Plant-Based Nutrition Nurse Coaching uses holistic nursing principles with a focus on plant-based nutrition for chronic disease prevention and reversal, plant-based nutrition in practice, and nutrition and society. Nutrition plays a role in chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, weight management, and autoimmune disorders, to name a few, and plant-based nutrition’s role is combating them (Campbell & Campbell, 2017).
Nurse coaching uses strategies and coaching principles to address psychological reasons we are drawn to unhealthy foods, how the food industry affects dietary choices, and addresses concerns for individuals such as athletes and fitness enthusiasts, families, and those with chronic conditions. As a Plant-Based Nutrition Nurse Coach, I aim to meet clients where they are and coach them towards the goals they strive to achieve.

I specifically have a personal and professional passion to reverse and prevent colon cancer and cardiovascular disease. I have had two family members battle colon cancer (married to each other). One of them has battled it off and on for over 30 years, and the other family member lost his battle with it after only 18-months. I have also lost an uncle to a massive heart attack at a very young age. I know first-hand the devastation, grief, and loss that this causes a family. Both of these diseases are 100% preventable, and my goal is to help you prevent this for you and your family.
In a study of almost 4 million people, red meat (including pork) and all processed meats (including bacon) in particular showed significant risk of developing colon, colorectal, and rectal cancers (Di et al., 2023). It has also shown that all animal protein from Chicken and animal products also increase the risk of colon cancer significantly. The World Health Organization (WHO) (2023) and the Cancer Council (2021) determined that processed meats such as bacon, luncheon meat, and hotdogs are Group 1 carcinogens (cancer-causing), and red meat as a Group 2A carcinogen, and they are specifically related to bowel, stomach, and colon cancer. The China Study has focused on all cancers and plant-based nutrition for prevention and reversal, discovering that meat and dairy protein has a greater effect on cancer than even genetics, that these environmental factors cause 70-90% of cancer, and that plant-based nutrition can prevent and turn off tumor development fairly quickly, and animal products turn tumor development back on (Campbell, 2017).
In my 25 years of nursing, I have worked in Intensive Care and cared for patients after heart attacks and open-heart surgeries, and I have spent recent years working in Cardiovascular Diagnostics performing stress tests and assisting in cardiac diagnostic procedures. Although I am honored to care for such patients in this difficult time, it excites me to know that this can be prevented. Several studies have shown that lifestyle changes, and specifically plant-based nutrition, can prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease (Dewell & Ornish, 2007; Vasudevan, 2021).
“Never doubt that one person can make a difference.” ~ Ingrid Newkirk
While some people want to focus on nutrition as it relates to their physical and mental health, I also recognize that many people prefer plant-based nutrition because of their love of animals with the recognition that they are spiritual beings, and because of their beliefs, ethics, and values surrounding the treatment of animals in animal agriculture, and surrounding animal agriculture on climate change and planetary health. I meet you where you are on your spiritual plant-based lifestyle journey.
Plant-based nutrition can prevent and reverse many ailments and chronic conditions or meet your spiritual needs, and awareness, intention, goals, and action are key in Plant-Based Nutrition Nurse Coaching. I hope to help you get started today!

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